Reflections on a Feminist Now in Places of Undying Colonialism
by Sarika Talve-Goodman -- The recent conference staged as a collaboration between our ERC project, APARTHEID-STOPS, The World Literatures: Cosmopolitan and Vernacular Dynamics Research Programme at Stockholm University and the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WiSER) in Johannesburg presented the opportunity for participants to enter into dialogue concerning our different localized and ongoing political struggles. Upon arriving in South Africa, we learned that a massive stay-away was being organized to remove Jacob Zuma from office. Interventions such as a conference paper on failed utopias in post-apartheid literature, or one on Frantz Fanon’s warnings for postcolonial societies, called critical attention to our uneven, localized, and transnational emplacements. (Place: not the same as home, but where you find yourself embedded, entangled, implicated, located.) As a researcher currently working in Israel- Palestine on topics relate to South Africa, the USA,...